Thursday, August 6, 2009

"God would much rather that we learn to be faithful in a few humble commitments than we continually despair over our failures because we take on too much.


We will choose spiritual disciplines only if we have a strong desire to grow. If our desire to develop spirtually is not deep enough to overcome our resistances. we will find ourselves unable to maintain any discipline, however good our intentions. If this is our current state, there is no reason to berate ourselves. Desire cannot be forced or manufactured; it can only be discovered in freedom. Yet even a little desire can be encouraged to grow stronger through the practice of discipline, like a spark fanned into full flame or a seedling cultivated into full growth.
Disciplines like prayer, scriptural reflection, and hospitality have the character of garden tools. They help keep the soil of our love clear of obstruction. They keep us open to the mysterious work of grace in our heart and our world. They enable us not only to receive but to respond to God's love, which in turn yeilds the fruits of the Spirit in our lives."

~Marjorie J. Thompson
Soul Feast

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