Thursday, May 27, 2010

...what it is to be human...

"If we fail to give of our self... our passion, our soul... we have no journey at all."
~Michael Spinella

"Take of the world its colors and forms, its lines and textures, its balance and movements and rhythms: combine all these into a beautiful statement of what it is to be human. Give back to the world the same element of beauty that you as an artist take from it. Create beauty in the world with your talents and your living."

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What does it mean to love?

"God, what does it mean to LOVE? Love is unyielding as the grave. The grave never surrenders what it has taken hold of - the people it has captured. Love is as strong as death. Only God has more power than death. It is the only thing in life that is one hundred percent guaranteed outside Him. It doesn't ever give people up to the devil. It never quits. It is always strong. My love will never be enough, but I have total access to the love from the heart of the Creator of the universe. Love is every promise of every color. It is every promise ever given from the Father to His children. Love is humble. It is completely connected to His heart. It IS His heart. It takes total ownership of its actions. Love is falling in love constantly. It makes surrender the best feeling ever. It wants nothing more than to adore the face of its affection. Love admits when it has been hurt. But love always forgives. Love finds happiness in the simplicity of God's presence. It finds beauty everywhere it looks. "
~Morgan Carlson