Friday, June 4, 2010

the pursuit of happiness

"Knowing and choosing what brings me joy is part of being responsible for my own happiness. The pursuit of happiness fails only when the pleasures I seek are not deep enough to sustain me. They, like idols of old, are insubstantial and man made...
What if the ability to be joyful is like a muscle? The more we use it, the stronger it grows."
~Sue Schmidt

1 comment:

  1. The ability to be by joyful could indeed be a muscle. At times hard work or patience can be joyful, but not always pleasurable. Learning how to be joyful is a skill to be learned. Being joyful isn't simply a byproduct of pleasure.

    Being responsible for your own happiness is a hard idea to grasp because it conflicts with the reason behind why people sought 'idols of old'. Those people weren't irresponsible, they tried to satisfy the need for happiness and assurance about things they couldn't control through dedication to that idol. That was the best they knew how to do. Same goes for me today, without a proper guidance, timing, and order the pleasures that I seek would leave me very empty in the end, just like an idol.

    Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus the ability to "know[ing] and choose[ing] what brings me joy" would leave me meaningless and hollow.
