Tuesday, August 10, 2010

declaring His worth

Worship:[from the old English weorthscipe or worth-ship]
to ascribe, assign, attribute, declare worth

"Our great, loving and merciful God,
I praise you for making Yourself known to us.
Yet even in Your disclosure You remain a mystery.
You cannot be contained,
yet You dwell in my heart.
You cannot be restrained,
yet You wait for me to follow.
Yo cannot be defined, yet You delight
in my words of worship.
You are more powerful
than all the forces of nature combined,
yet You choose to be moved by the prayer of a child.
You make all the rules,
yet You choose to love me without condition.
You are more than life itself.
You are what all of nature is trying to describe.
O wonderful, awesome God,
though now I see only a shadow of Your glory,
I know that one day I will see You face to face.

~from "The Way of a Worshiper"
by Buddy Owens

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