Saturday, September 4, 2010

the peace that passes understanding

A few days ago, I found myself with some big questions that were trying to throw off my day.

Now I like questions. I like puzzles. I like to figure out how things are supposed to work, how they fit together. This is a good thing; I love this about myself. It is why I'm a bit of a philosopher and a theologian. But I also know that I can get distracted by a problem I haven't worked out yet, and it makes it difficult for me to focus on other things.

So the other day, I knew that these questions had the potential to keep my mind wrapped up in what I didn't understand.

But I had the opportunity, then, to go to Chapel - an chance to look outside of myself and focus on God for 45 minutes.

When I stopped thinking about my questions, and how I was going to get through the day without answers, and instead focused on God, and began to worship Him for the Almighty, Great and Wonderful God that I know he is - I put aside my human questions and gave Him glory for being God - all of the tension began to fade. The questions may not have evaporated, but I gained a bit of perspective when I remembered that God is God, and He is worthy.

I entered His gates with thanksgiving, and then I stepped into His courts with praise. And with every step further into the throne room, I saw less and less of the shadows cast by the wrinkles in my understanding as they were bathed in the brilliance of His goodness at the base of His magnificent throne. And I found that in His presence is fullness of joy.

When I have given the King of Glory the honor He is due, I may still ask Him my questions. But I will do so knowing full-well to whom I speak.

So I would like to encourage you by saying this: it is good, when you are lost in the woods, to worship God for who you know He is. For He is the one who sees the whole forest... and knows the way out.

"I applied myself to understand this,
but it seemed a hopeless task
till I entered God's sanctuary
and reflected...

My mind was stripped of its reason,
my feelings were numbed.
I was a dolt, without knowledge;
I was brutish toward You.

Yet I was always with You,
You held my right hand;
You guided me by Your counsel
and led me toward honor.
Whom else have I in heaven?
And having You, I want no one on earth.
My body and mind fail;
but God is the stay of my mind, my portion forever.
As for me, nearness to God is good;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
that I may recount all Your works."

~from Psalm 73

be blessed, beloved,
jessica joy

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"But truly it is the spirit in me, the breath of Shaddai, that gives them understanding."
-Job 32:8