Saturday, November 20, 2010

An Artist's Manifesto

Everything I do is creative. The words I speak – they create the world that I live in. If I never spoke another word, or chose to communicate in another way, life would happen to me. It would not be mine.

By believing that I have the power to affect my circumstances, and acting on that belief, I create the world I live in. I imagine how I want it to be, and then I go about making it so.

Art and faith intersect here in this grand playing field that is life. They rush towards each other headlong, gaining speed, holding steady, and finally, they collide, in an explosion of color, a rainbow of creativity made entirely of light. These two forces are now an inseparable entity, a spark of life that finds its fuel in my imagination. I must not let it die.

So then, I must dream. There is no other option. I must continuously imagine the world as it never has been before. And I must believe that if I can imagine it, there is a power in the universe that can help me bring it to life.

And if my dreams do not come true in my lifetime, then I will leave a legacy to my children – biological, spiritual, and creative – that will give them momentum to see even greater dreams than my own come true in their lifetimes; just as the fathers of Israel, the patriarchs of faith, believed in a promise they would not live to see fulfilled.

I must create. It is part of who I am. Every word I speak, every movement that expresses my desire, my emotion, every ounce of love I give away, every painting, every dance, every song, every play, every prayer. These encapsulate my creative energy, and impart them to this world, to invigorate those who would open themselves to receive such an impartation. When I dance, it changes the atmosphere. People can sense the emotion behind the movement, and experience it themselves because I am expressing it. When I take a picture, or paint a landscape, or make a movie, or put on a play, I am taking what I observe to be beautiful, or what I see to be true, and re-presenting it to others. This creates an opportunity for others to recognize something that they didn’t see before. I re-create what I have seen or imagined, and offer it to others to do with it what they wish. In doing this I make possible a new revelation, a change in perspective. I awaken the imagination of others to see the potential for creativity in their world.

In this way, my life is art. By the things I create that this world calls “art,” or by the simple expression of my sincere love, I recreate the world I live in. Because of my actions, my words, or my “artwork,” someone’s life, someone’s heart, someone’s perspective might change. And if my creative action awakens passion in another, then I have started something that has the potential to change yet more lives.

This, my friends, is what the Bible calls, in Romans 8:19, “the revelation of the sons of God.” All of creation is waiting in eager anticipation for us to realize that as members of God’s family, and heirs of the divine birthright, we are creative beings, with the potential to shape the future.