Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Start Believing

Faith and hope are matters of expectation. Do you simply believe that something is "possible" or do you actually EXPECT it to happen?

I know a lot of things about God. For instance, He is good, and He loves me.
I believe that God is able to do just about anything He wants. I believe that He wants to bless me. I believe that He can help me in times of trouble. I believe in miracles. Totally impossible, supernatural, defy-the-laws-of-nature miracles. God is God. He can do things I haven't even imagined. And not only that; He wants to. He wants to surprise me.
But here's the catch: Faith is not just knowing that something is theoretically possible or true. Faith is expecting that it will actually happen. Believing that God wants to bless me is not just knowing that He can and He theoretically wants to; it's waking up each day and looking around to see how God is going to bless me today.

If I walk around all day thinking to myself, "I know that God wants to bless me, but I won't be disappointed if He doesn't." I'm setting myself up to NOT NOTICE the blessings on my life. But if I walk around thinking, "Ooo I wonder how God will bless me today," then I'll notice all the little things that are designed to make me smile. It would be like acting like it's my birthday, every day. And when God sees that I'm paying attention, HE'LL BLESS ME MORE.

When you do nice things for people, you hope they'll notice it, right?
And if they don't... you're kind of reluctant to continue being nice, aren't you?
Whereas, if someone is really grateful for what you've done, you're more inclined to do more nice things - perhaps even bigger and better things.
Now God isn't human, so He NEVER STOPS trying to bless us just because we don't notice. But if we respond to His goodness and blessing with thanksgiving - How much more will the Father CONTINUE to give good gifts to His children!?

But it's not just that.
Faith goes beyond acknowledging what God is doing in our lives.
Expectation is more than just looking around for surprises.
What does it mean to go BOLDLY before the throne of Grace? Are we not supposed to pray, believing that it will be done for us?
Sometimes I pray for simple things, like green lights and not too much traffic and a good parking spot.
Even though it's a simple thing... shouldn't I expect that it will actually happen?
If I pray because I believe it's "possible," but then I don't actually EXPECT an answer, why bother praying? Why waste my breath? If I do not expect God to respond to my prayers then I do not have faith, I do not actually believe.
Then I must examine my motives. Am I praying out of obligation? That is religion in the most negative form. God does not want automatons who pray to Him and serve Him because they believe they must. He wants a Bride that comes to Him out of a loving, intimate relationship. He wants Sons who know He is a good Father; who know they have inherited the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven; who know they can ask anything in His name and it will be done for them.

Maybe it's time for us to believe that our prayers MATTER; that they make a difference; that they change things. God hears our prayers. He always listens and He ALWAYS responds to faith.
Believe that when you pray, SOMETHING will happen.

I might even dare to say that if you don't believe it, don't pray it. Faithless prayers are not a pleasant aroma in the throne room of the Faithful King; the Rock of Ages.

All of creation groans in eager expectation for the Sons of God to be revealed. The Sons who know who they are and the authority they have as heirs to the Kingdom.

Start believing that you have a right to ask. Start believing that God is faithful to answer.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

declaring His worth

Worship:[from the old English weorthscipe or worth-ship]
to ascribe, assign, attribute, declare worth

"Our great, loving and merciful God,
I praise you for making Yourself known to us.
Yet even in Your disclosure You remain a mystery.
You cannot be contained,
yet You dwell in my heart.
You cannot be restrained,
yet You wait for me to follow.
Yo cannot be defined, yet You delight
in my words of worship.
You are more powerful
than all the forces of nature combined,
yet You choose to be moved by the prayer of a child.
You make all the rules,
yet You choose to love me without condition.
You are more than life itself.
You are what all of nature is trying to describe.
O wonderful, awesome God,
though now I see only a shadow of Your glory,
I know that one day I will see You face to face.

~from "The Way of a Worshiper"
by Buddy Owens